Sunday, June 2, 2013

Farewell xx

OOOhhh Hello there again! ^.^ It's been a while since I've been on here huh? This year has ben SO busy for me. New things are happening, new adventures, new classes, new schedules... I haven't had the least bit of time to post on my blog. So here is my farewell to all my lovely, amazing subscribers, along with my final pieces of advice.

Just say YES! :)
This is an excerpt from
Zoella has helped me SO much and I think you should all read what she has to say, about just saying yes.

How often do you turn things down or shy away from doing things a little out of your comfort zone? How often do you say NO? Do I want to live my life turning things down and missing out on so many opportunities just because it scares me a bit? No, and neither do you. I would rather do more things, that I can look back on and think "I'm so glad I did that" than think "I really wish I'd done that". I don't want to ever be left with that awful question floating around in my head of "what if?". There may be times when you do panic, or you do get in a flap about something, but if you know that ultimately you're going to be okay, at least you can say you did it, or you tried it, and at least you won't be left thinking "what if?".  I have started to say YES to things I'd never normally say yes to. I'm not saying yes to absolutely everything, but i'm making a conscious effort to agree to more things.

You get ONE life (unless of course you are a feline), one chance to do anything and everything you want. Do not let something like this control your decisions or ruin experiences for you. The same goes for people. Don't let people ruin things for you, or control your behaviours or your life choices. 

It's YOUR life. Share it with others but don't let anyone, or anything take over the control you have.

Say YES. Make it your mission, to do things you'd never normally do, go places you'd never normally go, meet people you'd never normally meet. How can you make memories, and take new paths in life if you turn everything down?

read more here: 

Stop worrying about what others think about you. You've heard this advice millions of times from your mom, family, friends... almost everyone! Seriously, stop. We are who we are, not what everyone else wants us to be. I see too many girls trying to "fit in" by dressing the same, and not trying anything different. Why? You only live once (yes I just said YOLO) so why live it trying to be like everybody else? If you like something that's completely crazy and unique, just go for it! If you're worried about people judging you, it's because they don't have the confidence that you do! You can pull off any look with confidence. With confidence, you can rock even the craziest pants in the world. Confidence is the reason I can pair neon pink pants with a kitty ear headband.

If you like something, wear it. Who cares what everyone else thinks. It's about what makes YOU happy. It's not about what they think, it's about what YOU think.

Next piece of advice: Laziness is not an excuse. "I just don't have time to get ready in the morning with school and works, etc." It takes the same amount of time to put on sweats as it does to pop on a cute outfit. Do you think Karl ever says “I’m too busy/tired to look like Karl today?” ( Some people ask me how in the world i have time in the morning to come up with the outfits I wear. The answer: Simple wake up in the morning and pop on whatever I feel like wearing. I haven't resorted to sweats once, even when I'm running late. In fact, I don't even OWN a pair of sweats lol. I'm not saying you should look like you just got off the Miu Miu runway, but wear whatever is cute to YOU. And for those of you in school, dressing better allows you to perform better throughout the day anyway! ^.^ 

I've read a lot of stories on tumblr/twitter etc. about how some girls have a completely different style than what they wear on a daily basis. Their reasons are because of self-consciousness, and money. We've talked about self-consciousness already, but now comes the money issue. 

At school the other day I was complimented  on my outfit, and the dialogue went something like 
"That's such a cute outfit!"
"I could never pull off something like that, let alone afford it." 

#1- You actually could pull off an outfit like this if you cared less about what people thought about you. 
#2- My entire outfit was bought from Forever 21. 

People think that to look cute you have to buy from expensive brands and blah blah blah. You really don't! Half my closet is H&M (as you guys know I LOVE H&M) and Forever 21. I've talked about this before, but if you look for the right pieces (and that's stuff that YOU are attracted to, not something you saw 5 other girls wearing at school so you need to get it to fit in, but good quality items.) you can look just as couture as Karlie Kloss on the runway. 

Dress as if nobody's watching. (or judging) 

I've realized that I've discovered amazing things (stores, people, music, etc.) by dressing for me. If I were to name a few; Rapsodia, Sfera, Zara, Wild Fox... etc. As well as icons I look up to; Cara Delevingne, Zoella, Little Mix... etc. Even the music I've found relates! Try giving yourself a go at dressing the way you want, and you'll discover so many things that define who YOU are, and ultimately will lead you to having a happier, confident life. ^.^ (Plus, who doesn't like to dress up for the day anyway?)

Just Say YES! 

I hope that this final message to all my lovely followers will inspire you to break out of the shell you've been hiding in, and let the inner you SHINE! I'm hoping to start a new blog soon where I can post more often and stay in touch with all of you. For now this is my farewell from Fashion Mouse, La Blue Girl, and Bijoux et Bisoux. I love you all, and I will be back soon, I promise! ^.^ (Email me if you want to stay in touch for when I have my new blog up!) Until next time my little fashionistas!  

xx- Isabella <3