Monday, August 13, 2012

The Rolling Stones


Pull & Bear Rolling Stones T-Shirt
Zara Jeans
Denisse Boutique Necklace
Ashish for Underground Creepers

A Casual Day for me... extremely. But It could not be helped with the tremendous heat of Tequila. Tequila, Mexico that is (I do not recommend wearing Creepers in 100 degree weather). One of my favorite new things is my Denisse Boutique necklace!! It's one of my favorite pieces i've gotten this year, and I found it at the little Boutique above Cafe "Amor Apache." Have any of you ever tried dragon fruit? It's quite good.. peculiar.. but good. The little white dome chapped part you see in the fruit  is what you eat, and it tastes kind of like a honey dew melon.

By any chance... have any of you read this months "Glamour?" Because there are some wonderful articles in there that I want to share with you, that have boosted my confidence, and hopefully will boost yours. The issue has many articles on how you really shouldn't be afraid to dress for yourself. Many girls are scared to dress how they want because they want to fit in, they are afraid of being teased or un-liked, which in truth is completely true. The Man Repeller is a blog  Leandra Medine started after she asked her friend why men weren't committing to her. Her friends told her that the way she dressed was horrendous to men, which therefore started the legendary blog "Man Repeller." She liked the way she dressed, and was happy with her style, and guess what? She was recently married! So don't be afraid to dress how you want because really, all that matters is what you like, not what every other girl is wearing. Glamour also stated that you don't have to shop expensive to get your dream style either! I shop at stores like "Forever 21" and "H&M" (my love!!) on a regular basis! The most important thing to do while shopping is to shop around your own likes, (and to look for the good quality items). Don't buy the top or skirt that every girl is wearing to school just because of that reason, buy that cute orange 50's style dress you've had your eye on for a while (which my friend bought and fell in love with by the way). Many girls that I talk to about shopping at "Forever 21" say that they don't shop there because the clothes are bad quality.. not true if you are looking for the cute items! The next time you go to a store like "Forever 21" really look. 

Here are some Examples:

Do all the girls in your area wear

These are all from either Forever 21 or H&M, and they have been key pieces to my wardrobe ever since I saw them on the shelves. But they are also not cheap items, and I have actually surprised people by telling them they are from those stores. 

The Moral of the Story is: Be Yourself. Completely.

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